Ravenvamp11, also known as Octavia, is a Vampire in Grand Theft Auto IV.
Ravenvamp11 is a member of the myroomonline.net and can be seen on the 5th profile. She mentions that she is Octavia Dark Countess of Nosferatu and was formerly known as Debbie of 1643 Transvania. Nosferatu is from the Romanian language, commonly used for Vampires. She mentions that she became a Vampire upon meeting her boyfriend, Dunkan The Morbid, who is another Vampire. According to Dunkan, he isn't from the mortal world. Dunkan shares his blood with Octavia and promises to kill her resisting parents. Her profile mentions that she intimated with Dunkan in one of the cemeteries. Dunkan further comments that they'll feed on the blood of the pure tonight.
Olivia prefers to use her teeth as a weapon, much similar to the traditional Vampirish way of attack, and likes coffins. Olivia's profile includes anti-Christ crosses, an impression of Dracula's dark practices. Furthermore, she mentions that she is interested in Enlightenment, likely hinting towards the Enlightenment Center and is believed to be an Epsilonist.