When a young street hustler, a retired bank robber, and a terrifying psychopath find themselves entangled with some of the most frightening and deranged elements of the criminal underworld, the U.S. government, and the entertainment industry, they must pull off a series of dangerous heists to survive in a ruthless city in which they can trust nobody — least of all each other.
Proven Myths
Proven myths are phenomena that have been confirmed to exist in the world. Substantial evidence has been provided and they can be verified quite easily.
Conspiracies are implied plots and intrigue that can almost never be fully proven, but also rarely invalidated. They differ from myths in that they are often concepts rather than physical things and generally concern the entire world rather than a specific location.
- Abandoned Mine Shaft
- Airplane Wrecks
- Alien Egg
- All Seeing Eye
- Beam Me Up
- Black Cellphones
- Dark Net
- Epsilon Program
- Federal Investigation Bureau
- FIB Agents at Chianski Passage
- FIB Agents at Satellite Dishes
- Frank Mathers
- The Infinity Killer
- Infinity Murders
- Jolene Cranley-Evans' Ghost
- Jetpack
- Leonora Johnson
- Mount Chiliad Mystery
- Numbers Station
- Phantom Files
- Red Arrows
- Red Truck
- Serial Killer Nursery Rhyme
- Space Docker
- Spaceship Parts
- Sunken Submersible
- Technological Singularity
- Tongva Triangle
- UFOs
Possible Myths
Possible myths are anomalies that may have significant evidence of their existence but sufficient proof has yet to fully confirm their presence.
Unlikely Myths
Unlikely myths are similar to possible myths but lack substantiation and are unable to be proven as falsehoods.
False Myths
False myths are confirmed to be fictious and are either the result of modifications, fabrications or inaccurate interpretations.
- Abandoned Mine Shaft
- Abandoned Sawmill
- The Abyss
- Alamo Sea
- Alien Enthusiasts' House
- Atlantis
- Beam Me Up
- Bishop's WTF?!
- Blaine County Motel
- Cape Catfish
- Chiliad Mountain State Wilderness
- Coastal Cave
- Creepy House
- El Gordo Lighthouse
- Epsilon Program Headquarters
- Fort Zancudo
- Grave on the Mountain
- Grove Street
- Hill Valley Church
- Humane Labs and Research
- Lago Zancudo
- Land Act Reservoir
- Los Santos Elementary
- Ludendorff Cemetery
- Ludendorff Farmhouse
- Maintenance Tunnels
- Merryweather Plane
- Missing Abandoned Shack
- Mount Chiliad
- Mount Chiliad Tunnel
- Mount Gordo
- Mount Gordo Campsite
- Mount Josiah
- North Yankton
- O'Neil Ranch
- Paleto Forest
- Penris Building
- Raton Canyon
- San Chianski Mountain Range
- Senora Desert Structure
- The Lost MC Clubhouse
- Tongva Hills Cave
- Tongva Triangle
- Underwater Hatch
- Vinewood Cemetery