GTA Myths Wiki

Closer Encounters is an extraterrestrial flick in Grand Theft Auto: Vice City.


Closer Encounters stars local movie icon Candy Suxxx, and is directed by adult movie maker Steve Scott. This is the lone non-porn movie featuring both the movie icons together. The production and making of the movie, took place in the InterGlobal Studios. The Closer Encounters is influenced from the real life blockbuster, Close Encounters of the Third Kind, directed by Steven Spielberg in 1977. The movie featured various outer-space characters and flying objects which also appeared in the in-game parody version of the movie. The movie supposedly revolves around the plot, featuring Nympho-Invaders, that has something to do with Candy Suxxx.


Devil's Tower, as seen in the original version.

In light of the poster, Candy is seen in outer-space with a fluorescent extraterrestrial light in the background. This glow also appeared in the original version and and depicts the descending of a UFO.


The UFO prop.

It is thus, considered that Candy was abducted by these Nympho-Invaders to the outer space. Over the years, it became evident that the mothership in the movie, was replaced by the blue saucer prop in the Studios. Prior to these events, Steve Scott mentions about Phallic Mountain, a lose parody of the Devil's Tower in the original movie, that was supposedly the hideout/temporary abode for the UFO mothership. It is unknown as to where this scene was shot in Vice City, as no such place exists. It's likely that the scene was shot in the Studios itself.

While the mashed potatoes also exist in the in-game version of the movie. In Spielberg's version, the protagonist used mashed potatoes to build a structure of the Devil's Tower. According to the Vice City Police Department, Steve Scott has an odd obsession with mashed potatoes, as well. Promotional posters of the movie, can be seen in the Ocean View Apartment and on Vice City's official website.

The movie was mentioned throughout the game, in different cutscenes by both Steve Scott and Tommy Vercetti. The film was first mentioned in the mission, The Party. Later on in the game, Tommy Vercetti agitated by Steve's bizarre ideas, orders to temporarily remove the Alien props from the sets, but this doesn't effect the promotion/making of the movie. The movie was later on released in the same year, 1986. There's a slight debate about the ratings of the movie, with a group of people suggesting that the movie is x-rated but it's rather supposed to be off-color and too vague to be x-rated.

