GTA Myths Wiki
GTA Myths Wiki
Not to be confused with Blood House (GTA Vice City) or Blood House (GTA IV)

The Bloody House, also known as Bleeding House or Bleeding Window, is a myth in Grand Theft Auto V.


A strange phenomenon occurs in a house located in Vinewood Hills, Los Santos. If the player shoots at one of its windows, blood will come out of it instead of gunshot sparks.

At first, many players believed that the phenomenon was some sort of easter egg related to an unknown mystery, possibly involving ghosts. However, the phenomenon appears to have been removed from the game since then, which seemingly confirms that it was, in fact, just a glitch.

Similar Phenomena[]

Other houses in the game also have windows with textures of what appear to be blood splatters, but the fact that they only appear at night makes this unlikely. Instead, the textures could just be blurry images of plants.

Video Investigation[]

Video by DarkMythHunter.