Hmm, maybe i'll try to be somewhat more active, from what i've seen of the remastered games it was a huge disappointment, how can the original games still seem decades ahead of the remasters?
You'd think for the people who made the game surely they'd make a better effort of it but that's maybe too much to expect from them, as for the newest installment i've grown tired of waiting and the strained fact they're milking the heck out of GTA V is not new or a surprise, it's a shame that i'm not even able to find the chat thingy here anymore, guessing Discord made way for a whole new way to create a community talking platform, miss the days when i'd hop online and people would be in the chat.
Agreed also on Covid, i'd completely stopped using Wikia as a whole during the lockdown mainly because i'd actually had time to play the games i'd always wanted to then with that overplaying them lmao, guess that's the circle of a videogamer's life, hope if anyone from before comes online and sees our conversation they may be inclined to talk again, thanks for the fast reply though greatly appreciated, hope you're well! :)