CJ and Franklin being related is one of those myths that won't ever die even though it's definitively not true. So, yeah, expect this topic to keep trucking along.
What evidence is there that Trevor killed Niko?
Where is it?
Screencap and point it out.
@JelzyFunk Clicking on his profile shows only one post, which makes me think he may be a troll trying to provoke a reaction.
CJ is not mentioned anywhere in GTA V.
Trying to talk logic in relation to GTA myths is madness at its most futile. Most so-called "myth hunters" just outright make sh*t up that isn't supported anywhere in the game.
Liberty City and Los Santos being completely redesigned from their 3D counterparts is one reason. Even Grove Street looks nothing like its 3D iteration. Besides, I'd rather have their stories left open-ended rather than end in a way that might be undesirable. The only thing that stopped players from complaining about John's death in RDR1 was their shifting to complaining about Arthur's death in RDR2.
You seem to be mixing up the definitions of "fact" and "opinion". A fact is something that is proven to exist, have existed, or will exist. An opinion is a belief or judgment that rests on grounds insufficient to produce complete certainty. To provide an example, fast food being unhealthy is a fact while the best ice cream is an opinion. Slash's claims Leatherface being confirmed as existing in the game is a statement of fact, not an opinion.
He can put this all to rest if he'd just provide this so-called proof he talks about. But his refusal leads me to believe no such proof actually exists and he's just trying to troll us into scouring the Internet on a wild goose chase for something that doesn't exist. Sort of like my sister and all the times she claimed to have won thousands of dollars on Pepsi bottle caps but refused to actually show anyone said winning caps.
I just want to see the proof here. If it does exist, why would any respectable myth hunter be so opposed to showing it?
You're the one behind this claim, burden of proof is on YOU to provide. If I claimed Batman was confirmed to have been in the game at some point, it'd be my job to show the proof to back it up, not yours to go running all over the Internet in search of it like some little puppet. If this proof exists, why hasn't it been placed on the Leatherface page by now, over a decade after the game's release?
The UFOs in GTA V aren't really an appropriate comparison here since they were widely reported on all over the Internet since day one. A search of "leatherface in gta san andreas", on the other hand, only brings up results for this wiki and various hunt videos that don't actually prove anything.
So this proof you're talking about doesn't exist and you're spewing BS, then? Got it.
You're asking too many questions now. What? Who said anything about sand monsters? I don't know you. Stop calling this number!
One True Slash wrote:
One True Slash wrote: What is that flying patriot doing in the background?
But there's almost no sand there. Only gravel and grass.
That's what makes sand monsters so dangerous: they don't require sand to live in.
You're One True Slash, right? It was YOU that claimed Leatherface was confirmed in the beta. I didn't say you were the one who put him there. You know how when a scientist formulates a theory, it's on that scientist's shoulders to prove it? Same thing goes here. Your claim, your burden of proof.
It's so hilarious how you guys all make claims of things confirmed to have been included in various versions of the game, yet when someone asks for proof of it, you lose your minds.
You're making the claim, the burden of proof is on you.
The likelihood is slim, but it is within the realm of possibility.
One True Slash wrote: Well, technically, if BETA counts, they added Leatherface, but then removed him for copyright reasons. This is confirmed by the way.
One True Slash wrote: What is that flying patriot doing in the background?
Sand monsters. Duh.
BiggestShip65 wrote:
and possibly even the Big Man himself after a sneaky dev snuck him in.
I hate to be that guy yet again, but I've played the first edition extensively and never saw Bigfoot. And, you know, modders never found Bigfoot in it either.
Have fun with Hot Coffee, though. :P