He appears in a single mission where he is killed. "Main character," yeah...
Don't forget he is the centre of "Hello, Mr. Teal..."
Even if there are literlly zero evidence to support a ghost, they would go and walk around some random place, saying their fans found a ghost there. I am pretty sure that the "my fans sent it to me" is bullshit to cover up the YouTuber's clickbait.
Could always be written off as fan-fiction, but worth a try. The Ocean Beach Alleys were reported a year ago to have some strange noises in them.
Considering the fact that 15 literally disabled his account, and Gunshow's Vice City copy is messed up again, I think I'll just do all of your shit for you.
You can't go wrong with a title like this...
Nevermind, the video itself is not clickbait, but the title is just the most cliche clickbait ad title ever.
You can't go wrong with a title like this...
>Says 95% of his audience doesn't know about Trevor's brother (It's true, because his audience is full of 8 year olds who don't pay any attention to dialogues and only play Online)
>Literally tries to find Trevor's brother even though Trevor states that his brother is dead
Btw, I don't think 23 counts as being a teen.
I am kinda at fault for that, but I am not sure. He told me on Rickipedia he is quitting right after I had a little conversation with him on his talk page on the GTA Wiki...
No, they didn't actually. Didn't have the HoF, don't have Community Birthdays, not sure about the UotM.
Also, it is natural that Bureaucrats must be treated with the same level of respect as the wiki's founder, as giving a user Bureaucrats makes him the co-owner of the wiki in a nutshell.
I know I sound like a broken record defending Mantiix and shit, but how the fuck do you know why he really left if you didn't talk to him on a private wikia, or talk to him here in PM for over 3 weeks?
Those edits always counted, but you had to go to Contribs to see them. Not really a problem.