Hey there, I have got recently triggered by the fact of clickbait youtubers, who spam YouTube with shitty videos. These youtubers are MrBossFTW, NoughtPointFourLIVE, LipsyJimmy and Sernandoe (sry if I nissed someone.) I have some facts to present to you why do I hate them so much.
Their content is shit
As everyone knows, they make clickbait videos. This wouldn't be much of a pain in the ass if their videos were actually interesting and had unknown facts, which can be confirmed... but they aren't interesting, the facts are already known and some of them are even faked or are just normal things, which look like something mythical (the White Blob is a good example.)
Almost all of them are concentrating on GTA VI, its release dates, and they even call to R* for info. That's stupid, they aren't patient or what?
Selfish fucks
This one is new. One of those clickbait youtubers recorded a vid about Michael De Santa's Ghost. Not only he thought that the page was created on GTA Wiki, he also thought that it was created, because his fans wanted it (and we know it was created, because Trevor Philips' Ghost myth exists.)
Those youtubers are clickbaiting. It is known from the times they started recording. This clickbaiting wouldn't be so bad if this was just some text like "PORTAL IN GTA V?" This gets even worse, as they put some fake portal on a billboard!
Fame they don't deserve at all
Ok, the fact I am writing this shows that they are famous enough. The fame they have is mostly of clickbait videos, which are more of lies than facts. I fear their fame, as they can tell some fake thing and milions of people would believe it and share it, so...
Ok, I think that it's enough, as they are worthless shits, who didn't even deserve this thread. If some fanatic shows up and starts bashing me, I will at least have a good laugh. Thanks for reading.