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Since this wiki is practically dead, can the small community come together to "renovate" the wiki for ourselves? We should be allowed to do things we normally cannot, like nominating articles for Protected Wiki Heritage status and then voting on it without having to be bureaucrats. If the staff is going to leave this place in the past besides the yearly discussion with other OG members about life and the current state of the wiki, then at least let the remaining members try to keep the place in order. Give one of us at least moderator status to combat the occasional troll and/or vandal.
I will link the only other two users seen to be active as of late to hear their thoughts. @GTACryptidBuster @Nomad416
(Edited by CISDidNothingWrong)
Apparently some tree's do talk. We just need to see to listen.
The UFO and SD sound the same sound while idle. That humm sound. And the UFO "weapon" sounds like the SD when it speeds up.
(Edited by XMarqsTheSpot)
Just some random stuff I've found and what It linked to in my head.
(Edited by XMarqsTheSpot)
Found these recently.
No idea what they are. I figured it's a Brawndo EE from the idiocracy movie. Any ideas?
Este es el relato que me paso de gta sa cuando fui a binco me encontraba viendo al espejo y active el menu de trampas para para el tiempo y traspase el espejo lo mas raro de eso fue de que llegue al inframundo pero cj ya no ya parecia en otro lugar mas que en el inframundo ahi me encontre a una novia y a unos peatones disparandome y cuando trate de volver ya no podia seguia en el inframundo eso fue lo que me paso y les comparto a ustedes para que lo chequen
Maybe we should accept that GTA myths are a thing of the past and that GTA 6 won't bring anything new or more activity to this abandoned wiki.
He got killed there. I heard about rumors about his ghost.
Ami me paso que mientras jugaba las misiones de san fierro mas especifico las de cero en un momento quise saltarmelas y segir con las de woozie para luego pasar a las de las venturas y jugar las de mike toreno luego cuando jugue la de interdiction de mike toreno el juego no me queria dejar segir y (resalto que al momento de jugar la mision interdiction aun me faltaba pasar las de cero) entonces siempre que me pasaba la parte en la que nos toca derribar a los helicopteros de la agencia luego de hacer eso me salia el mensaje de que el disco que estaba usando podia estar sucio o dañado (cabe resaltar que yo jugaba mi gta en una consola xbox) y luego quise jugar las de cero para ver si asi se iva ese mensaje y despues de jugarlas las de cero quise probar de nuevo y aun asi me segia saliendo el mismo mensaje(mi opinion es que eso que me paso es un bug o una forma mas para congelar todas las misiones y no poder segir jugando el juego)Pido Ayuda A La Comunidad Para Poder Desbloquear Esa Mision Y Segir El Juego
Even though it's most likely false, soon I will be writing an article on the Yellow Jack Inn in GTA 5 where Trevor supposedly killed Niko Bellic.
Share your thoughts about this myth. There was one time a boar spawned out of nowhere in the motel while I was roaming around. That's a bit strange and I don't think boars spawn in the area
Hi. You probably know me, I'm the guy who dealt with that schizophrenic kid who caused havoc in the wiki and the official Discord server. I have made many contributions in the wiki in my previous account (link in my profile bio). I am also a former server manager of the wiki's official Discord server, and Chris6d (the head manager) remarked that I did a great job on improving the server, and dealing with that kid I mentioned and his clan of 10 year olds who were trying to harass me. The reason why I made a new account is because I hated my username, and I can't change it. I don't even know why I set that as my name.
These events happened more than a year ago, and this doofus can't move on and keeps on crying about his ban in the wiki. I just received a DM from him on Discord a couple of hours ago, and he's literally begging me to unban him. I haven't checked this wiki in a while because of life stuff, he probably made a few new accounts to make some silly edits to promote his GTA Vice City sea monster discovery, which literally have insufficient evidence. He also make poor edits with poor and informal grammar, and he always think he's right. His silly behaviour really makes me think that he is an underage user.
Anyway, I want to become a staff in the wiki, at least in a low position. I would like to contribute in the GTA myth hunting community once again, especially when the wiki becomes alive again after the new GTA title gets released. Literally all the staff members in this wiki are inactive, and the wiki can't be like this when GTA VI gets released. Thousands, or even millions of people will be searching and uncovering easter eggs, myths and legends in the new game once it's released, and this wiki will need some proper moderation.
I also check every new edits in the wiki and I try to fix them if needed, especially in the GTA IV and V pages.
I apologize for the bad English (if it has any). I'm not really a good English speaker
(Edited by AlwaysWasted)